Pigmentation Treatment
Pigmentation treatment refers to a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures aimed at addressing issues related to skin pigmentation. Skin pigmentation refers to the color of the skin, which is determined by the amount and distribution of a pigment called melanin. Melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes.
Pigmentation is a condition that causes dark spots on your skin. There are different kinds of pigmentations. These include superficial pigmentation, which can be caused by mild sun tan and sun damage, frictional pigmentation that is caused due to constant rubbing, and deep pigmentation, which is difficult to treat, like melasma, deep sun tan, hyperpigmentation and more.
The Stanford Health Care website states that these brown spots can last on your skin for years and even a lifetime. The natural color of your skin is a result of melanin, a pigment present in your body. Melanin disorders can lead to pigmentation on your skin and this results in the occurrence of dark patches. If you notice that you are developing these spots, then a pigmentation treatment can help you with it. There are multiple procedures that can reduce pigmentation.